Interim Supply Chain Management and Consultancy for the FMCG Manufacturing Industry

Avercast Inventory Planning
Avercast’s Demand Planning and Forecasting software helps companies of any size optimize the inventory planning process. Missing out on sales or overstocking products due to inefficient planning and inaccurate forecasting is a thing of the past thanks to Avercast’s demand planning software. We ensure that your products are exactly where they need to be, when they need to be there by adapting our approach to your direct needs.
Avercast’s supply chain demand planning software gives supply chain managers the ability to replenish inventory by day, week, and month in an accurate and efficient manner. After our 200+ industry leading forecasting algorithms apply a forecast to each of your products and product categories, our demand management software provides purchasing suggestions for both single level warehouses and multiple level warehouses.
Avercast, we strive to make sure that our customers are well taken care of. The Avercast client success team works closely with customers and the inventory planning software development team to identify and solve potential bottlenecks before they even occur. Listening to customers and adapting to new inventory challenges is what has helped Avercast innovate and stay ahead of the curve in the supply chain and demand planning industries.
Avercast is considered one of the best demand planning software providers in the industry. Avercast have been able to help customers create both weekly and monthly time-phased inventory plans that extend out as far as 180 periods in the future. The planning suite also includes several demand planning tools that identify and distinguish the most urgent items, saving inventory managers a countless number of hours previously spent managing thousands of products.
Avercast’s inventory planning software also allows you to spend time where it matters by performing detailed “What If” scenarios. These scenarios allow you to see how your inventory plan will be affected depending potential sales trends. You can use this information to create contingency plans and keep safety stock calculations current as you observe how changes in the supply chain are made. Each of these demand planning tools compliment one another and lead to an overall more complete supply chain plan with a significant improvement in inventory turns and safety stock calculations, without worrying about the general unpredictable nature of the market or your suppliers.
Avercast demand management software has been able to help companies of all shapes and sizes. We work with customers to manufacture a solution fitting for any budget, along with a significant ROI in more ways than one, that will justify any cost associated with Avercast. Not only do we focus on helping customers save money through the avoidance of stock-outs and over-stocks, we also give employees more time to spend on innovation and improvement, saving everyone involved in the supply chain a significant amount of time.
An easy to use and intuitive interface along with a complete set of demand planning tools is what sets the Avercast demand planning software apart from others. Avercast offer a wide variety of demand planning and forecasting software solutions that have been developed from working directly with customers to solve unique supply chain challenges that have benefited more than just the customer they were developed for.
To summarize just some of what Avercast demand planning software can do for your industry, Avercast provide complete control over who has access to which parts of the inventory planning software system through specific user permissions. Avercast allow custom adjustments to the plan and forecast that allow users to incorporate inventory expertise into the planning process. We provide customizable “What If” scenarios that allow customers to account or any scenario. We provide a way to forecast and plan for ordering inventory in bundles and raw materials. Gain easy access and detailed reports for any type of demand and order data. Avercast saves planners and managers countless hours through the identification of action items to supplicate the management of thousands of products and focus on urgent items. We allow users to plan in multiple periods of time and for over 100 periods out into the future.
We are always working to improve upon our current supply chain demand planning software and develop new demand planning tools. Contact us for a free demo of our latest innovative demand planning software products.